Friday, August 24, 2012

Wild About Wire

Yes, I have to admit, I'm wild about wire--any size, color or texture, plain or woven into mesh.  I think I've actually confessed to this in a previous post, mentioning that my fascination with wire began in junior high school when my father brought home a wad of telephone wire that he got for me.  You've seen the wire, I'm sure.  Each strand is coated in a different color, often with striping--ready made to make something wonderful with it!  So of course I made wire and bead earrings with the telephone wire.

Well, I've moved beyond the telephone wire, now making jewelry with silver, copper and brass wire.  But even before I moved into the realm of making more "upscale" jewelry than using telephone wire, I discovered wonderful wire mesh.  This is actually for industrial use but has been a happy discovery by those of us who like to make things.

After making woven sculptures and baskets for years, discovering wire mesh was just like working with magic!  You shape the mesh, and it miraculously stays where you've mushed it!  No more wishing for a 3rd or 4th hand to hold all the materials in place while I wove them!

So here's the first wire mesh sculpture piece that I made...


Here's a closeup of the VERY labor-intensive embellishment on this piece...

And since I'm a glutton for punishment, I immediately made another, labor-intensive wire mesh sculpture!

In case you can't tell by now...I'm a process person, and yes, I find this kind of work relaxing and meditative--go figure!!



1 comment:

  1. Dear heavens, these are gorgeous! Wonderful labor intensive work! Happy weekend!
